What's On
You can find details of our artists on the Music 2025 page.
The Festival isn't just about concerts, it's also about Community involvement and fun. We will have a wonderful Schools concert , street theatre, lots of dancing and performances by local groups. The Parish and the Methodist Churches are important venues who, kindly, host events and activities.
Other parts of Holmfirth festival of Folk are our fringes. We have our Family Fringe of street theatre, family friendly events and activities, including; Crafty Devlz Circus Skills, Madame Zuccini and her vegetables, Face Painting, Maypole dancing, the Legacy Steel Band, Musica Kirklees Showcase, Huddersfield Choral Society, Highly Strung, Vocal Expressions, Ship to Shore, Bradshaw Mummers, the Family Ceilidh and, of course, our Musical Fringe where town centre venues such as The Nook, O'Briens Bottle Shop, Taphouse, The Elephant and Castle, The PostCard, The Old Bridge, Ten-14 and Holme Coffee House host artistes.
Fingers crossed that we have our Fringe artist line-up finalised ! Expect to see; Acoustibots, Al's Django party, Alastair Gordon, Blind Pig Gang, Common Culture, Eve Jone, Fee Fye Fo, FIshing for Compliments, Jig for a kiss, Katie O'Malley, Kingfisher Blue, Kitchen Blues Club, Leo Brazil, Mark Truelove, Ollersett, Olta, Reban and the Bridge, Rocks and Reels, Ship to shore, Soli Vive, The Savages and The Staffies.
Once again, we demonstrate that "Folk" is a broad church to be enjoyed by everyone. You will be able to listen to gypsy jass, blues, rockabilly, acappella, indie, country, english folk, irish folk, punk folk - you name it and it's very likely covered.
Best not to try to compartmentalise
Best just to enjoy !!
Holmfirth Festival of Folk offers a wide variety of workshops and opportunities to get involved for children and adults alike. Come and try your hand at something new or get the opportunity to develop skills you already have. Join in with everything from ukuleles to morris dancing or come and join in one of our folk clubs and have a sing around. Find out some of the ways you can get involved. check out the "Spoken Word" event in Sids Cafe on Saturday (early) evening.

There will be a variety of workshops on offer. Planned so far (final details such as timings and venues tbc) are; Guitar for sessions (Nye Farley), Sea Shanty (Ship to shore)and other song workshops (Vocal Expressions and New Mill Male Voice Choir), French singing (Yannick Minvielle - Debat) (aimed at adults) and Drumming (Katie Mallard).
Check out the Programme (only £2.50 from the festival office and other good places) for details - when printed - usually a week or so before the festival.
Ukelele Jamboree Hollowgate TBC
Singalong, bring your ukelele, or join the audience for this fun get together. All ages and abilities welcome, (children to be accompanied by an adult).
Download your free music here www.musicakirklees.org/folk22 Just turn up on the day and enjoy!
Sessions and busking
Come to the (venue to be confirmed) on Friday and Saturday evenings for Sessions and of course we can confirm Steve Noon's famous Irish Session will be in the Nook on Sunday from lunchtime onwards.
There may even be a singaround, but this has not been confirmed
In addition, The Old Bridge Hotel and the Nook, will be very happy to host music sessions throughout the weekend
Busking is welcomed in Cooper's Yard as long as there are no other performances on at that time.
The same goes for anywhere else in the town, but please do not block pavements nor use loud amplification

Folk Club
Sue McBurney will be hosting the Friday Night Folk club in Holmfirth Tech. This will
start at 8pm.
Tickets are £8.00 (or free with Weekend ticket) and there will be a bottle bar provided by the Nook (TBC)
There will be one guest artist, Stanley Accrington who will play two 45 min sets.
Chris Dean will be hosting the Saturday Night Folk Club in Holmfirth Tech. This will
start at 8pm.
Tickets are £8.00 (or free with Weekend ticket) and there will be a bottle bar provided by the Nook (TBC)
There will be four guest artists each doing 30-minute sets.
8:00pm to 8:30pm The Broadband Duo, Izzy & Joe
8:30pm to 9:00 Eve Jone
9:00pm to 9:30 Tegwen Roberts and Dave Young
9:30 to 10:00 Tim Loten and Emma Houlahan