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The Stage is Yours ...
If you perform (even if you haven’t done so in public before) the opportunities are here for you to sing, play or recite with or in front of other like-minded souls. We have Sessions, Singarounds and even Spoken Word event as detailed below.
Musicians’ Sessions "offical" venue - TBC Friday and Saturday evenings
Musicians’ Sessions are open to everybody; just bring along your instrument and join in. See the timetables for more information. Doubtless there will be many more unofficial sessions in which you can join over the weekend in various venues.
Singarounds "official" venue - TBC
Saturday afternoon from 12.30 and evening from 7.30. Times are of course, approximate. Simply turn up, sit down and when invited to do your thing, do it. Or you can just listen!
Folk Clubs The Tech. (Dance Studio) Friday and Saturday evenings from 8.00 (Nook bar upstairs in Cafe area)
Folk clubs are more formal affairs with booked festival guests and an MC but floor spots are always welcome. It is generally expected that a floor spot volunteer would be accustomed to performing in public. If you think you qualify, go along to the event and introduce yourself to the person in charge. Your Friday host is TBC and on Saturday it is TBC
£5 entry on the door.
Spoken Word
Sid’s Café will on Saturday tea-time host its regular gathering of raconteurs, led this year by George Healey. It offers an opportunity to those people who prefer to perform through the medium of the spoken, rather than sung, word to recite poems, stories and other monologues among like-minded folk.
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